Good love from everyone.
We've just had no time to put new stuff up. whats here is probably going to be all you'll see.
just depends if we can get our personal lives on track. feel me?
I personally have two 14 track solo albums to put down. and still havent been able to finish them.
believe me they are fire.
"Rymix'd Progression" and "The Awakening" are the two albums ive been working on.
they may never be finished.
who knows.
AftyrLyfe is still alive. just on a down-slope right now. it was inevitable.
it seems alot of great artist and producers are cutting ties with NG. even DJ Delinquent. =( it sux. i know.
maybe new talent will find its way to the NG portal.
but from what ive seen its garbage. All of the crews have crumbled. All the beefs have gone so long they lost theyre spark. HHM is .... eh. swamped with trash. so much trash that it discourages me to even keep posting. LoL.
Thanx everyone. for the luv and support over the years. we actually hit 94 favs to our page. 6 more and we would've been at the famed 100 mark. lols. whatev.
Good luck to those who still fight the fight for good sound on NG.
we may return.
we may not.
(picture) (Rymix on the left, Ryder on the right) C ya NG HHM