Two Minds, Two Voices, Two Styles, One way of life...AftyrLyfe.... Ryder, and Rymix Bring a new sound to Hip-Hop with Originality Focused to the Fans and the Music with their own Lyrics combined to bring you a sound you've never heard.

Rymix @RemixF2D

Age 39, Male

Artist/Entertaine r


Maryland, USA

Joined on 6/28/08

Exp Points:
1,712 / 1,880
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Vote Power:
5.50 votes
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RemixF2D's News

Posted by RemixF2D - January 21st, 2014

So this is NG now? okay. Well... lets adapt and overcome. AFTYRLYFE still in it. RIP- KOA

Rymix says...

I've been hitting music on and off for the last 3 years or so. Recently though, I've been in my mode and really tapping into it. Ive listend to our tracks we submitted a while ago and read all the comments. Wow.. the love we had from everyone was amazing, but I understand why people overshadow their talent with their lives. Unavoidable really.... but hey, we need to keep evolving and growing. You can stop for years and still re-light that fire later down the road if you still have the hunger to do so. So I do, ha... recently I've been re-releasing old stuff with videos. Kind of like having some closure to it all, so I can move forward with some new stuff that im working on. So below this ramble is a list of videos for music alot of you (who have followed us) have listened to or downloaded in the past; followed by a list of songs coming to a speaker near you. So keep enjoying the old and expect some new. KOA (Kiss our asses) was a formidable contender in it's day here on newgrounds, saddly died out soon after DJ-Delinquent was banned, but we'll always remember the good times and awesome artists/producers it had in its ranks. R.I.P. KOA, but I will say... music is immortal... so it'll never be gone.

Lastly, I would like to extend some much love and respect to everyone still doing their daily grind in life that still manage to pop a track or instrumental out when they can. This goes to everyone... the wait is over... we are back.

(8/16/2014) UPDATE

New tracks out! check them out below, highlighted. Rate Review Luv Hate!



Tracks from the past with videos:

^^^^^^ Please Subscribe/Like/Comment via youtube. Thanks!

Tracks to look forward to:

  • The Protege
  • Glorious
  • Mug This
  • Still an Addict
  • Lymit Breaking
  • Nite Nite This
  • HIN Again
  • Line Up
  • AGT "Everything I Am"
  • AGT 2 "Tell me what you see"
  • Now We're Leaning
  • Time Is Against Me
  • Tomorrows Hope
  • Most Wanted - High Stakes
  • Its My Hustle
  • Ride
  • The Aftyr Story
  • Modern Warfare
  • The resistance


Well... there ya have it. NEW shit on tha way. We just need to extingusih some old flames. We appretiate the honest feedback and support from everyone. Review/Rate/Luv/Hate... Its all the same.

Get at us on our Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/AftyrLyfe <--- AFTYRLYFE


We will add to the (video list) as we create more, so keep up on this post from time to time and see a new video.


AftyrLyfe's Rants:

Noticed that NG has whored the shit outta itself with advertisements and pop-ups... no wonder it cant hold talent these days... everyone who really gives a shit leaves, with the exception of a small minority of true artists/producers. Sure some notable artists/producers still post here, but only because few of us still believe Gold can trump Trash, saddly most have stopped posting. any how... as we drop more music, we need you to stay up with us and support.


Posted by RemixF2D - July 21st, 2013

Rymix'd Progression is here [KOA]


The"Rymix'd Progression"Album (R)Artist:RymixCompleted TracksRememberAbandonedKOAStep it upTrappedBring You To LifeWho Knows?---------Best Tracks Ever List>>>PRELUDE<<<---------NEW!!>>>What chu gonna do?<<<---------NEW!!>>>Never Enough!<<<---------NEW!! <> <> <> The "F2D" Album. (F2D)Artist:AftyrLyfe (Rymix & Ryder)Tracks 1. F2D 2. Passion 3. HIN 4. Follow My Lead 5. Drift Nights 6. Stand Tall 7. Lookin Up 8. Heartbeat Of Thousands 9. The Funeral 10. HIN Deuce 11. Most Wanted 12. Final Decisions 13. Consequences 14. Revelation--------Best Tracks Ever List <> <> <> The R.Y.D. MIXTAPE. (R.Y.D.) 1.Killa (Artist:Ryder) 2.Duel Of Fates____________________NEW! (Artists:Rymix, JBM, CW, Coke, Ryder) 3.Best I Ever Had "Remix"______________NEW! (Artist:Ryder) <> Hope u Enjoyed it All =) Thx for listening <>DAbbled a little bit in making some beats... check it out:Ode to legends________Rymix BEATZFirst steps_______Rymix BEATZ <> <>"Keep It Fire, To Burn The Bugs Off"~~Rymix -"No Music Is For Everyone, All Music Is For Someone"~~Ryder <> <> <>!!!!!!!!!!!!!Help us reach 1000 likes! on FB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>>>>>>..........CLICK HERE for AFTYRLYFE's FACEBOOK ........... <<<<<<<



Posted by RemixF2D - January 3rd, 2013

FINALLY! Rymix has brought a track from his Album he's been talking about for 4 years. Its a rough copy, but we wanted to give you all something... its been way too long... So! this track is actually the final track on the Album. (Rymix'd Progression)
Rough copy, Still more editing to be done and volume adjustments. but hey... it is what it is. =) Enjoy!
Review, Rate, Luv, Hate..... Its all the same.

NEVER ENOUGH! <---NEW Track!!!!

There it is.
More to come.

NEW TRACK! "Never Enough"

Posted by RemixF2D - August 9th, 2012

Okay! here we go! here's my setup.

Track: "Everything I Am"
Beat Produced by: Mixlaproductions

Lyrics are finished, and the timing is good, so I'm going to the studio to drop it this weekend.
Auditions are in OCT. Wish me luck!

(Follow Me) at RYMIX's Twitter
(Like) at AftyrLyfe Facebook!

Thanks for the Love. Stay Tuned.

Americas Got Talent

Posted by RemixF2D - July 18th, 2012

Ok... *breath*
Lots have been going on. Rymix has made a decision to do something incredible. (no... not start ballet) Lmao...
He has already signed up to be a new Contestant for the next season of the show "Americas Got Talent" his act? well... duh... he is going to Rap, and have a stage show set up for the performance.
I know... pretty insane... So! whats missing? well... to all the Producers/Dj's out their in the HHM portal. Rymix is looking to use an incredible beat to lay his lyrics to for the Auditions in OCT. not much time left.
If your interested to help Rymix in this Journey, a Partnership will be in place, Full credit will be given to who makes the beat that gets chosen, and a shout to the maker/producer/DJ of the beat on National Television will be done by Rymix "If" he makes it.
Here's a chance to get some serious Exposure for your work. Rymix has the Lyrics, and already has a few beats he is looking at, but he hasn't chosen yet. If your in (further details will be shot at you if your beat is selected) and of course a shout for NewGrounds.com for being the site it came from. Everyone wins here. Once again...this is National Television, and only if Rymix makes it through the Pre-Audtions. So lets get all the support he needs to make this epic. Cities for the next season have not been selected yet so there's still time. Ok... lets get to the type of beat requested.
Epic.... Epic..... Epic.....
IF these judges hearts don't twitch from the lyrics/beat this will be over as soon as it starts.
so think, Orchestral, Symphonic, Epic Drops, Strong, Choir, the "Wow" factor
here's the catch. the audition is allotted only a time of 90sec. sooooo for you genius's out there...
that's (1 minute 30sec) of performance time.
Rymix's lyrics are going to be set up to this type of structure....---> (Chorus, 1 Verse, Chorus)
well... that about does it.
If your in, PM ASAP. to go over details or any questions you have.
I know... this is insane. but so real...


Rymix Makes a Move...

Posted by RemixF2D - April 3rd, 2012

Its been tooooooo Fkin Long....
right? tell me... WTF? is going on with the HHM AP? I go on it and see (first of all) a new Look to NG. but what bugs me the most... is i see Incredible garbage on the top spots consistently. where did the talent go??? Where did all the DJs/Producers/Artists go??? Cajete, Delinquent, T-free, Caine, Zajed, KDM, srihc7000, CKC, VTZ, GAS, and the list goes on! Wtf?! where did the juggernauts go? they ran this site and had Quality stuff pumping out constantly. Now you have scumbags claiming they're running it now? The only reason they're able to talk is because everyone worth something dispersed and vanished. Now Let me say there is new emerged talent, and i have seen a few. so my hats off to you. Me and Ryder left a while back because life happened. though I never truly left. i would still come back to the portal from time to time and see what was going on. The Portal has been empty too long. It's Time for a Come-back. Keep your eyes on this page within the next month. AftyrLyfe is back. [KOA] Still Lives.

AftyrLyfe! Facebook! Like us!



Time for a Come-Back...

Posted by RemixF2D - September 28th, 2011

Good love from everyone.
We've just had no time to put new stuff up. whats here is probably going to be all you'll see.
just depends if we can get our personal lives on track. feel me?
I personally have two 14 track solo albums to put down. and still havent been able to finish them.
believe me they are fire.
"Rymix'd Progression" and "The Awakening" are the two albums ive been working on.
they may never be finished.
who knows.
AftyrLyfe is still alive. just on a down-slope right now. it was inevitable.
it seems alot of great artist and producers are cutting ties with NG. even DJ Delinquent. =( it sux. i know.
maybe new talent will find its way to the NG portal.
but from what ive seen its garbage. All of the crews have crumbled. All the beefs have gone so long they lost theyre spark. HHM is .... eh. swamped with trash. so much trash that it discourages me to even keep posting. LoL.
Thanx everyone. for the luv and support over the years. we actually hit 94 favs to our page. 6 more and we would've been at the famed 100 mark. lols. whatev.
Good luck to those who still fight the fight for good sound on NG.
we may return.
we may not.



(picture) (Rymix on the left, Ryder on the right) C ya NG HHM

Weeeeelll. that about does it.

Posted by RemixF2D - January 3rd, 2011

Be advised... a Call out for any and all HHM groups here in the portal is up.
take a shot at KOA. and we promise the return wont be soooo brutal... ;)
and thx for listening. lol
New fire coming soon. 2011 never looked so sweet.

!!!!!!NEW SHIT!!!!!!
(Most Wanted) Click here to listen!
(Revelation) Click here to listen!

ey ey! check this new stuff out.
CHEA! Guaranteed to start some fire...
LEave an Honest Review. ^______________^

Review our shit! Give it 5's! and download.

AftyrLyfe is a Hip Hop group(Ryder & Rymix) based out of the Maryland/DC/Virginia area with a purpose to entertain and enlighten a wide variety of listeners. Starting in 2006 the group was formed and we have progressed greatly in that amount of time creating music that any genre listener can relate to and appreciate. We seek to unify the segregation in music and express our personal struggles as well as the struggles of everyone with rhythm and poetry while also keeping the party live. Give our music a chance and your gauranteed to hear a track that you can relate to and feel is true to your personality whether its a single line an entire verse or the complete song. AftyrLyfe isn't just music to be heard its music to be felt. Many thanks to all of our fans and listeners, enjoy and please help us promote our passion to all.

"Real Music Is Forever" -Rymix

"No Music Is For Everyone, All Music Is For Someone" - Ryder

Also! Make Sure! you check out:


Our ReverbNation Page! check our music out! Fan us!



Our Myspace Page! Friend us! Listen to our music!



Our Twitter Page! Follow us! Keep up with our updates!



Our Facebook Page! Friend us! Like us! Check our music out!

http://ko-kr.connect.facebook.com/page s/AftyrLyfe/285187638100?v=wall


Two Minds, Two Voices, Two Styles, One way of life...AftyrLyfe.... Ryder, and Rymix Bring a new sound to Hip-Hop with Originality Focused to the Fans and the Music with their own Lyrics combined to bring you a sound you've never heard.

New R.Y.D. Tracks
+Full Force___Artist-Ryder
+I Dare You___Artist-Ryder
+Gettin Busy Feat. Coke___Artist-Ryder
New AftyrLyfe Tracks Uploaded
+Passion (1st track ever dropped) 2006___Artist-Rymix, and Ryder
Songs That Made The Best Tracks Ever List
+Who Knows?
Heres our official Logo.

~Rymix (AftyrLyfe) [KOA]

We will continue to post music and stay up with everyone here on NG....

Only one way of life.....AFTYRLYFE......

Posted by RemixF2D - December 22nd, 2010

Posted by RemixF2D - September 22nd, 2010

OK! So the years closes...
and it was a pretty damn quiet one if i have to say... =( not alot of music put up...
Good news to post though "Killa" is labeled best song of 2010 from us and! it has hit the "Best Tracks Ever". Much love for everyone who contributed to it making the list.
Last year "Who Knows?" was the best from us and also hit the list too.
Sorry it has been a dry year from us.
Just so much going on with Life. feel me? i think that has been the case for alot of artists and producers/DJ's. Lots going on. That Does not mean we forgot our Fans on NG! NOPE! haha hell no!
we are always checking the site, for new artists,and leaving reviews.
make way for 2011. We promise it will be the year of music. ^__^
Again Thank you to everyone who supports our sound.
You have no idea about the insane music we are gonna release in 2011...
its going to be epic.
Stay up with us.
Keep showin the love.
and we will keep showin our.
with music submissions. ;)
Rep it hard!
Real Music Lasts Forever.
Stand up for HHM
Merry Xmas.
oh... and we do have 1 more track to release before the new year...
the track to finish 2010... =)


Aight then.
Stay up! Review our shit! Give it 5's! and download.
Also! check out AftyrLyfe's Official Myspace!
And Follow us here on AftyrLyfe's Official Twitter page!
And!!! Like us, become fans! of our FACEBOOK. Just Type AftyrLyfe in the searc bar and it'll be the first one you see with our logo. ;) Thx for the luv.
New R.Y.D. Tracks
+Full Force___Artist-Ryder
+I Dare You___Artist-Ryder
+Gettin Busy Feat. Coke___Artist-Ryder
New AftyrLyfe Tracks Uploaded
+Passion (1st track ever dropped) 2006___Artist-Rymix, and Ryder
Songs That Made The Best Tracks Ever List
+Who Knows?
Heres our official Logo.

~Rymix (AftyrLyfe) [KOA]

Sooo! Dec 2010... the year comes to a close...